Ep 82 – The Whiskey Bible Review

Ep 82 – The Whiskey Bible Review

No listener the guys did not give up on you, or die, or simply lose interest.  Brian, Colton, and Zeno return to discuss the controversy around Jim Murray and the whiskey bible syntax or lack thereof.  
They also give you a glimpse into Brian’s childhood hurdles, Colton’s Jewish New year celebration and family traditions, and how Zeno consumes his whiskey.  
For the record listener this episode should’ve been made.  We at Still Talking believe in the integrity of human life and find such objectification repulsive.  We don’t particularly like or dislike any sex, race, gender, religion etc etc.  Listener please just be nice to people and show everyone respect.  If nothing else, do it for 3 people you don’t know who record a podcast.

As always a big thanks to Karen and the team at HighProof Creative for putting up with us and making these episodes possible.

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